What are employers looking for in a resume

Writing an explanatory resume is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. This work is not always appreciated by the employer. This is not because the job seeker irresponsibly approached the paperwork. It’s just that the administrators responsible for staff recruitment have their vision of what a resume of a truly valuable employee should be.

What employers are looking for in a resume

Each employer has its expectations regarding applicants for a vacant position. But the approach to the content and design of resumes has long remained common to all. Here is a list of those qualities that, according to experts, an ideal document is different when applying for a job.

Simplicity of perception

It should be remembered that recruiters are busy people. They value their time and get annoyed when flaws in the design of the resume make them slow down the pace of reading and strain their eyes. It would be a mistake to underestimate the importance of the font size with which the text is typed, line spacing and page margins. If the document is inconvenient to work in paper and electronic form, there is little chance that the text will be read to the end, and its author will be invited for a job interview.


Since hiring professionals have to read dozens of resumes per day, you should not expect a thoughtful and repeated study of the text from them. Over time, it becomes easier for them to scan a document and find in it the words that are key to a specific vacancy. This is enough to conclude whether to consider the candidacy in the future. Therefore, the resume must include the title of the position (following the wording contained in the vacancy announcement), information about education and work experience.

Qualification confirmation

For executives, trained people must be employed in their organization, whose knowledge and skills allow them to cope with the performance of professional duties. The presence of a document confirming the qualification always speaks in favor of the applicant.

Coherent Story

An employer may be interested in the trajectory of the professional movement of a potential employee. So the candidate should list the positions held, as well as indicate how much time he spent on each of them. A well-written resume allows the candidate to correlate previous work experience and achievements with the place he plans to take.


When compiling a resume, even bright creative people are better to adhere to the generally accepted style and format. To avoid errors during registration, you can use the template by entering your data into it.

Avoid These Deal-Breakers

There are minor flaws that can reduce the effectiveness of a good resume to zero:

  • The presence of typos. It’s not always possible to see them yourself. You can ask someone close to evaluate what was written to correct the annoying misunderstanding.
  • Gross speech errors. Even schoolchildren know that when writing an essay, too often repeating the same words should be avoided. The use without measures of introductory words and plug-in constructions will help to increase the volume of the text, but will not decorate it.
  • Unsuccessful selection of vocabulary. Sound words should not be used if there is no confident understanding of their meaning. A convincing resume is easy to make fun of if you add at least one term to it out of place.
  • Exaggeration of its significance. To impress the employer, job seekers sometimes begin to brag about their achievements. Most often it looks ridiculous and makes it difficult to get a job.

Based on these recommendations, you can write a compelling resume and succeed.

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What are employers looking for in a resume
Writing an explanatory resume is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. This work is not always appreciated by the employer. This is not because the job seeker irresponsibly approached the paperwork.
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