Looking for a job? The first steps towards a new job

Looking for a job? The first steps towards a new job

How do you start looking for a job? A difficult question, especially if you are beginning or want to do a different position than before. The matter is not so wild. In this article, we will explain what the first three steps of your job search are.

I need a new job. So check out the internet and search for job advertisements, suitable? Not so fast. Because what are you looking for? The more precisely you know this, the more purposefully you can look around for proper positions – and that saves you a lot of frustration. So, grab your resume, and let’s go!

Take a close look at your resume

If you are wondering what your resume is doing at this point when you are still miles away from an application, here is the explanation: Your job search always begins with a look at your resume. On the one hand, it tells you what you can do and what to look out for. On the other hand, your job search must be successful.

But first, you take a critical look at it:

  • Does it include your current or last job?
  • Does the photo show you how you currently look?
  • Does it make it clear what knowledge, skills, and experience you have?
  • Does it contain your last training and further education?
  • Is it structured and saved as a pdf?

Write down what you can do

A closer look at your resume has indeed brought back many memories in you. It’s incredible what you’ve already done! You probably haven’t thought about some of these in a long time. This is precisely what is essential in the second step: Write down everything you are good at. These can be the skills on your resume and anything that you have not yet included in your CV because you have not yet considered it essential.

In the second step, ask yourself:

  • What are you good at the moment?
  • What have you been widely praised for in your jobs?
  • What have you enjoyed doing in your previous jobs?
  • Which subjects or courses were you particularly interested in at school and in training?
  • Which talents do your friends or family particularly value about you?

A tip: These questions are sometimes not that easy to answer. Especially if you have been looking for a job for a long time and your self-confidence is no longer the best, you should discuss it with someone from your family or friends. But you will see, as soon as you have answered the questions, your self-confidence and your self-esteem increase enormously because you can do a lot! And that gives you a whole range of job options on the job market.

Think about job opportunities

Now it’s getting started in the direction of job search. Based on your previous experience and knowledge, skills, talents, and preferences, you are currently considering which jobs you could do with it. And that is not that easy, because, with the multitude of different professions and fields of activity that are constantly emerging, you cannot know all of them. There are probably several jobs that you would be qualified for but that you have never heard of.

You can find out more here:

  • Talk to friends, relatives, former schoolmates about their professions or jobs they have already done.
  • Research online vocational dictionaries and use orientation aids such as the this category of our site.
  • Let career counselors support you in your search.

Those were the first three steps to the new job.

After these three steps, you will have recognized your potential and discovered new job opportunities or training and further education for yourself. We wish you all the best on the way to your career change and a successful job search!

And before you start now one more tip: If your resume is visually out of date, download one of our modern resume templates and update your resume design in five minutes.
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Looking for a job? The first steps towards a new job
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Looking for a job? The first steps towards a new job
How do you start looking for a job? A difficult question, especially if you are just starting out or want to do a different job than before. Try these tips.
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