No matter why you are unemployed… If you have already been dismissed, start your job search immediately. Don’t wait even a day and, above all, don’t take time off “for a short vacation.” This could be extremely disadvantageous in our competitive labor market. No matter the reason why you get fired (company reorganization, looking for better prospects, poor personal performance, etc.), you must immediately adopt a new and positive attitude towards your job search.
It has to be a positive attitude, even if you have been rejected—whether through being dismissed from your former employment or from having numerous job applications rejected.
You may receive many rejections during the job-search process for a wide variety of reasons whether because a particular company is simply not hiring or because your qualifications do not match a company’s needs or requirements.
The right attitude to start a job search
Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, be prepared to work hard, keeping an objective and positive attitude. Looking for a job can be more exhausting than having a job. Whatever you do, do not stop your job search too early. Even if you have gone to a second or third interview, do not stop bombarding people with your unique resume and cover letter. You will probably be busier during the time that you are looking for a job than when you are/were employed.
And the right resume template
Certainly,, maybe the best resume template site, will help you a great deal in choosing the most appropriate job-search strategies and tools, in writing your resume and cover letter, and in giving you valuable advice and hints for successful interviews.
Keep in mind that the job resume is the first impression that a prospective employer has of you and the most crucial step to get you interviews. So, writing a creative resume is essential in this process. Remember, however, that once you’ve completed the your best resume, the all-important second phase begins.
In this second phase, you need to treat looking for a job as your full-time job: systematically sending resume with photo and cover letters, keeping a record of your job-search activities, sending general correspondence, evaluating your job-search strategies, and following up consistently after each contact and/or interview.
Your new job
There will be lots to do before you sit in your new office chair! Nevertheless, while you are caught up in the intensity of your search; remember to devote a little time to relaxation and fun for yourself. It will be good for your mental and physical health.