People who intend to find a job in the service sector must include service skills in their resume. This wording refers to those features of professional behavior that help to fully satisfy the needs of the client.
What is customer service?
Speaking about customer service, they mean both a variety of work activities and a combination of professional qualities. In addition to performing their immediate duties, people working in the service sector are required to be ready to communicate, as well as the ability to actively listen to the client, show sympathy for him, and demonstrate an interest in solving his problems.
What are customer service skills?
Interacting with customers can be more productive if the organization’s employees have sufficient service skills. Here are the main qualities, the presence of which is highly desirable for job seekers in a job involving people:
Patience. Aggressive, frustrated, prone to blame clients can infuriate even the saint. It is not easy to restrain irritation and remain professional when, on duty, you have to regularly experience the imperfection of human nature.
Attention to the wishes of the consumer. A professional never dismisses the complaints and complaints of the client and remembers that maximum attention should be paid to those who need advice.
The ability to empathy. It is very important for people who find themselves in a difficult situation that someone else is not indifferent to their difficulties.
Resistance to stress. Faced with customer negativity every day, even the best employees are burned out emotionally. It would be a mistake to take dissatisfaction at one’s expense. Readiness for force majeure circumstances. Sometimes harsh reality makes a significant difference to our expectations. If suddenly something went wrong, you must be prepared to make independent decisions and responsibility for them.
Positive focus. No matter how hopeless the situation may seem, looking into the future is not so scary when there is a person nearby who radiates faith in a favorable outcome.
Why are customer service skills important?
Employees in direct contact with customers are the face of the organization. If they can ensure a positive interaction, this will create a good reputation for the company and strengthen its position.
Customer service skills contribute not only to the well-being of the company as a whole but also to the career growth of an individual employee.
Customer Service Skills List and Examples
The following skills are closely related to customer service:
- active listening;
- creative approach to solving problems;
- tolerance for other people’s shortcomings;
- speed of thinking;
- ability to resolve conflict situations;
- openness
- ability to make a decision;
- ability to read non-verbal signals;
- timely response;
- thorough knowledge of the provided product (service).
If the job applicant declares in a resume that he has the listed skills, his chances of finding a job increase. Leading employees appreciate these employees because they communicate productively with customers and do not create undesirable conflict situations, interacting with colleagues.
How to Improve Your Customer Service Skills
Improving service skills is facilitated by an unbiased assessment of employee actions. It is useful to know the opinion about your work coming from customers. It can be oral or written reviews. They will help the employee to look at themselves from the side. To this end, it is worthwhile to be interested in the opinion of a colleague or manager.
How to highlight your customer service skills
The employer cannot know for sure whether the candidate for free space has developed customer service skills. Therefore, the job seeker is required to correctly compose a resume and a cover letter, emphasizing their knowledge of these skills. This is not such a simple task as it might seem at first glance. In order not to waste time on its implementation, it is worth using a elegant resume template. Its compilers provided all the important, according to recruiters, nuances on which the effectiveness of the resume depends.
If the device to work successfully took place, do not stop. Anyone who wants to become a true professional should improve their service skills in everyday activities.